Friday, March 13, 2009

Dustin's Turn

My Nephews' Banquet
So Katie my sister called me and asked me if I could be a substitute father for Dominic and Riley this week and help them decorate cakes for their scout dinner banquet. So Dominic wanted to do a cake with the Superman logo on it. I have had some experince decorating cakes so I thought that with a little coloring and the two of us together we could do it. :) It was a lot more work than I thought it was going to be. I was sweating, (not too unusual if you know me) trying to get all the colors mixed, and trying to keep Riley away from the frosting. After we finished Dominic's cake we thought that it looked pretty good, not too bad for free hand. Up close you couldn't tell that it was an "S" for superman, but farther away it looked good.Riley's cake was a little more interesting. We were pushed for time to get the cake out of the oven in time to make it to the banquet on time with the cake decorated. Riley wanted to do something a little more unique, so we looked up on the internet what the letter "R" was in the Egyptian alphabet. When it came time to decorate the cake, (pulling out of the freezer hoping that it had cooled enough) we couldn't get Riley to stop eating all the frosting and licking all the spoons and things. :) He said that he wanted the cake cut into the shape of the Egyptian letter, so we did. It looked like a football, so that made it a little easier. Needless to say we made it with both cakes decorated to the banquet. Dominic got the most "Super" cake and Riley got the most "Unique" cake awards. All in all it was fun experience hanging out with them and decorating cakes. :) My Sister Katie has some funny pictures and videos that I am sure she is going to put up on her blog very soon. Also we hope to be getting some more pictures up of Lynds and I here soon!


Kassie Temple said...

You are a good uncle for helping them out. Nice job!

Grammy said...

Duzzy ~
What an amazing guy you are! You are just the best!
Love ya and miss ya,
Aunt Kim