Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

We've had a splendid time with the spooky holiday so far!! We were originally gonna be the ogre couple from Shrek but we couldn't find the costumes and it was sad! That would have been cute, just didn't work out! :)

I was an angel, haha, so far from the truth ;) But I have been an angel on my new eating plan, I've lost 20 lbs :) We both just went out and bought our costumes, but it was fun to try and deliberate on what we would be.


Dustin was the prince of darkness himself! Kinda creepy isn't it?! We spent a long time trying to paint his face, starting with many failed attempts on my part which made him look like a creepy raccoon before my sister stepped in and helped!!


So we thought it was kind of cute, and plus Dustin just loved the fact that he was the devil, he just had the best time being Satan, haha. At the Halloween party we went to, he just the life of the party, had devil jokes here and there, it was really funny!


Ofcourse, I had to be careful, being the angel and never know when the devil might turn on you!! :-D


At the party we went to at my best pal Say Jay's house, we had a lot of fun doing matrix and everyone fighting off the devil, haha. I won't post any of mine, as I never have been athletic and most of mine looked more like a chicken flapping around than a cool matrix fight!! :)


Everyone couldn't believe how good of facial expressions Dustin made during this little act! He was hilarious, and everyone was laughing hysterically! My friend Say Jay was Pippy Longstocking! Cute huh? Well actually she looks dead here but her costume was extremely cute!!

He was quite the lady killer ;) hahaha Pun intended, I crack myself up. Okay, not really :)


So I hope you enjoyed our disturbing Halloween pictures, I LOVE Halloween and I am always so excited to dress up. I start thinking about Halloween in June or July!! :)

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!! Have a very spooky week and weekend ;)


Kassie Temple said...

YOu guys look great. I love the costumes!!! Congrats on 20 lbs Lynds!!! Love you guys. Happy Halloween to you too.

Katie Moreno said...

Oh my hell...that is so scary Dustin. Um you make a GREAT Satan...Brian would be Glad your feeling better D. Love you two, especially the Angel!!!! :)

Grammy said...

Duzzy and Lynds ~
Wow ~ you guys can really dress up! THat sounds like so much fun. Cute costumes.
Aunt Kimi

Jenny C said...

You are freaking me out!!!!!