Once again, I write this with reluctance to say that these pictures do not lead up to having our little Melody. After last week, we were told that in a week we would come back, repeat the amnio and repeat the ultrasound and that most likely be having our baby. So, steps one and 2 were repeated. I had another amnio, though I hate to say that this one was definitely worse than before. The reason being that during the amnio I had my first big contraction. I've had light contractions now and lots of Braxton Hicks but this was my first major one, and it happened while they were extracting fluid. In response, the needle wouldn't take anymore fluid and the baby actually got in the way of the needle which scared us, but I don't think she touched it. So when they told me that they weren't sure if they got enough fluid and needed to do it again, I was not very happy :) Happily they didn't have to, but my poor Dustin's hand hurt from me squeezing it so bad during the contraction, I think he was worse off than me!! :)

So one hour later, they gave us the result. Her lungs were not ready by 4 points :(. And we were sent home once again. I was really sad about it, since I was looking forward to taking home a baby this time.
Luckily, my lovely nurse Danielle called with good news. If I don't go in to labor this week, then for SURE next Monday at 6 am I am getting induced!!! :) :) I will be 37 weeks so she won't be premature which will be wonderful. So for the next week I can get done what I wasn't able to, namely laundry, and focus on resting before the big day!!! You should see a post soon with pictures of the REAL event and our little girl!!
I also will hopefully be getting some pics so you can see my WONDERFUL baby shower that my sisters in law threw for me :) It was so fun and I was so grateful to have such wonderful family and friends to support me. Thank you so much ladies!!!
Hey Lynds, I'm sorry you have to wait a little longer, but that is great that she won't be premature! So I was curious how many points her lungs weren't ready by the first time you went in?
They need to be at a 54, they were 50 this time and last time 40! So she did really well and jumped 10 points but it wasn't enough :( They will definitely be ready this next week though, and I am soooo ready too!!
That's great that they jumped up a lot in that time. Must be good to know that next time you go to the hospital, you'll be having her for sure!!
Yay! Baby time! You look so beautiful! You're baby is going to be so gorgeous! Cant wait for monday!!!!
Oh my goodness, I'm so excited to see baby Melody. she is going to be adorable! I'm so happy for you guys! She will be here soon hurray!!
This is it! We can't wait to see her and hear all about it. You guys are going to be such fun parents.
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