Thursday, May 7, 2009

I have the best husband ever :)

So I wanted to pay tribute to my wonderful hubby, who has been so good to me for my pregnancy! My nausea is THANK HEAVENS (!!!!!!) going away now a little bit at a time, but a lot of days it's particularly hard to bear in the evening around dinner time, so a lot of times Dustin will drive and get me something to eat and let me relax on the couch!

WELL, the other day I was feeling particularly sick and felt that the only thing I could tolerate was a baked potato. Also, I had been mentioning to him some of my biggest cravings, the biggest lately (and I had been mentioning it quite a bit) was...

Well, he was gone awhile and I wasn't sure why, but when he got to the house he not only had the potato but also a whole bag of dried cherries and blueberries for me!! :-D AND he had gotten me a chocolate covered berry tart from Fred Meyers too (which is sinfully good)! 

THANK YOU BABY for putting up with me and being sooo good to me!


Jenny C said...

That's why we love our Duzzy! He has ALWAYS been that thoughtful!

Brandon and Diedre Sloan said...

That's really sweet, Way to go dustin!!